
Loan Information

Loan Forms

New Borrowers

Federal Direct Stafford Loans: Subsidized and Unsubsidized

Scofield Loans: Annapolis Only

  • Scofield Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling (available in summer)
  • Scofield Disclosure Statements (available in summer)

Federal PLUS Loans: Parent and Graduate Student Borrowers

Exit Counseling: Completed when graduating or when a student’s enrollment ends

  • Federal Perkins Loan Exit Counseling - Annapolis (available this spring)
  • Scofield Exit Counseling and Statement of Rights - Annapolis (available this spring)

Repaying Your Loans

  • - Obtain Federal loan history and Servicer information
  • for Perkins, Scofield and St. John’s College Loans