
Santa Fe Faculty

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    • Judith I. Adam


      BA, 1986, MA, 1989, Political Science, University of Alberta; PhD, 1996, Political Science, Boston College; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1996–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–08.

    • Seth Appelbaum


      BA, St John’s College, Annapolis, 2009; MA, Philosophy, 2013, and PhD, Philosophy, 2015, Tulane University; Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Bellarmine College, 2015–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2017–present.

    • Jan Arsenault


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1982; MA, University of Denver Counseling Psychology, 1989; Diploma in Analytical Psychology, CG Jung Institute of Santa Fe, 2006; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1996–present: Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014–17.

    • Lindsay Atnip


      BA, 2005, MA, Master’s Program in the Social Sciences, 2009, PhD, Committee on Social Thought, 2019, University of Chicago; Postdoctoral Scholar, Humanities and Social Change Center, University of California-Santa Barbara, 2019–21; Lecturer, Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, University of Chicago, 2015–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.

    • Philip Bartok


      BS, Physics, University of Connecticut, 1992; Physics Instructor, Denver Institute of Technology, 1995; MA, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2004; PhD, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2004; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2003–present.

    • Guillermo Bleichmar


      BA, English Literature, Columbia University, 1997; PhD, Comparative Literature, Harvard University, 2007; Harvard University Teaching Fellow, 2001–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2009–present.

    • David Bolotin

      Tutor Emeritus

      B.A., Cornell University, 1966; Ph.D., New York University, 1974; Lecturer in Classics, Yale University, 1971-73; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974-82; Santa Fe, 1982-2012; Visiting Associate Professor, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1986, 1987-88; Carl Friedrich von Siemens Fellow, Siemens Institute, Munich, 2006-07.

    • Michael D. Bybee

      Tutor Emeritus

      B.A., Philosophy, 1972, B.A., M.A., English, 1972, 1975, Idaho State University; educational therapist, Gateway Mental Health Center, Pocatello, Idaho, 1972-74; M.A., Ph.D., Philosophy, 1976, 1981, University of Hawaii; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Idaho State University, 1982-84; Instructor of English, 1984-90,Senior Instructor of English, 1990-95, University of Oregon; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, San Diego State University, 1995-96; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1996-2021.

    • Anthony James Carey


      St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1963–65; BA, University of North Carolina, 1967; MA, 1973, PhD 1998, Graduate Faculty, The New School for Social Research; U.S. Marine Corps, 1967–69; Graduate Study in Music, University of North Carolina, 1969; Part-time Instructor in Philosophy, East Carolina University, 1974-78; Part-time Instructor in Philosophy, North Carolina Wesleyan College, 1976–78; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1979–83, Santa Fe, 1984–present; Dean, 1986–91, 1996–2000; Acting President, 2000. Distinguished Visiting Professor of Philosophy, United States Air Force Academy (2004–07; 2009–14; 2016–21; 2024).

    • David Carl

      Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

      BA, Philosophy, Pomona College, 1990; MA, Philosophy, Claremont Graduate School, 1991; PhD, Comparative Literature, University of California at Davis, 2000; Lecturer in Philosophy, California State University San Bernardino, 1991–93; English Instructor, Wuppertal, Germany, 1992; Philosophy and Religion Instructor, Diablo Valley College, 1993–95; Poet in Residence, Shakespeare and Company Bookstore, Paris, France, 1998; Comparative Literature Instructor, UC Davis, 1995–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2000–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2008–10; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2012–16, 2024–present.

    • Alison Chapman


      BA Honors, English Literature, Trinity College at the University of Toronto, 2009; PhD, English Literature, Harvard University, 2017; Harvard University Teaching Fellow, 2011–17; Preceptor, Harvard College Writing Program, 2017–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2020–present.

    • Christine Chen


      BA, magna cum laude, Wellesley College, Russian Studies, 1999; 1998–99, Yale University; MA, Harvard University, Regional Studies: Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, 2001; Program Coordinator, Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe, 2001–02; PhD candidate, Modern and Medieval Languages, Cambridge University, U.K.; Graduate tutor, departmental lecturer, Cambridge University, 2004–06; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2006–present.

    • Christopher Cohoon


      B.A., Philosophy and Mathematics, Mount Allison University, Canada, 2002; M.A., Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2004; M.A., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2009; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Doctoral Fellow, 2007–10; Chercheur Invité, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, 2009–10; Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2016; Faculty Fellow in the Humanities, University of King’s College, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2013–16; Senior Faculty Fellow in the Humanities and Associate Director, Foundation Year Program, University of King’s College, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2016–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2019–20; Santa Fe, 2020–present.

    • John Cornell

      Tutor Emeritus

      BA, 1975, MA, 1977, McGill University; PhD, University of Chicago, 1981; McConnell Fellow, 1975-77; Fishbein Fellow, 1977-80; Searle Fellow, 1980-81; NEH Fellow, 1982; ACLS Fellow, 1983-84; Assistant Professor, Honors College, University of Oregon, 1981-83; Assistant Professor, History of Science, University of Georgia, 1984-85; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1985-2022; Visiting Assistant Professor of History of Science, University of Chicago, 1990.

    • Matt Davis

      Tutor Emeritus

      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982; MA in Philosophy, Dalhousie University, 1984; PhD Candidate in Philosophy and Classics, University of Pittsburgh, 1985- 87; PhD in Political Science, Boston College, 1995; Killam Fellow, 1983-84; Earhart Fellow, 1990-91; Bradley Fellow, 1993-96; Bradley Fellow, University of Toronto, 1996-98; Donner Fellow, 1997-98; Special Projects Editor, Books in Canada, 1997-98; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1998-2023; Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Classics, Carthage College, 2002; Assistant Dean, 2003-05; Visiting Scholar, Boston College, 2005-06; Graduate Institute Director, 2009-12; Dean, 2015-2018.

    • William Donahue

      Tutor Emeritus

      Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

    • Jacques Antoine Duvoisin


      BA, 1980, St. John’s College, Annapolis; MA, 1984, PhD, 1992, The Catholic University of America; Knights of Columbus Fellow, 1981–84; Visiting Fellow, University of London, School for Advanced Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Fall 2009; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1997–present.

    • Michael Ehrmantraut


      BA, Political Theory and International Relations, Michigan State University; PhD Political Science, Boston College, 2001; Bradley Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship, Boston College, 2002, Visiting Scholar, Boston College, 2003–04; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2005–present.

    • Natalie Elliot


      BA Honors, Political Science, 2002, and MA, Political Science, 2004, University of Alberta; PhD, Political Science, University of North Texas, 2009; Teaching Fellow, Department of Political Science and Honors College, University of North Texas, 2009–10; Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2011–present; Research Fellow, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions, Spring 2014; Lecturer, Hutton Honors College, Indiana University, 2014–15; Creative Writing Teaching Fellow, University of Montana, 2018–20. MFA, Fiction, University of Montana, 2020; Senior Writer, Santa Fe Institute, 2022; Guest Artist-in-Residence, Woodward Residency, Queens, New York, 2023.

    • Howard Fisher

      Tutor Emeritus

      B.A., University of Rochester, 1965; Technician, Harvard University Cyclotron Laboratory, 1964, 1965; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1965–2006 and Santa Fe, 2006–2018; Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Western New England College, 1980; Visiting Senior Member, Linacre College, Oxford University, 1982–83.

    • Grant H. Franks


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977; JD, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1980; Associate, Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, San Francisco, CA, 1980–83; Clerk to Judge Cecil E. Poole, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco, CA, 1983–84, Associate, Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe, San Francisco, CA, 1984–88; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1988–present.

    • Martha Franks

      Visiting Tutor

      Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

    • Michael Golluber


      BA, Liberal Arts, Sarah Lawrence College, 1988; MA, Philosophy, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1991; PhD, Philosophy, Tulane University, 1998; Instructor of Philosophy, Southwestern University, 1996–98; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University of Louisiana, 1998–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2000–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2017–21.

    • Patricia Greer

      Tutor Emerita

      BA, College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1966; MA, Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, 1967; Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, 1968-69; MA, St. John's College, Annapolis, 1995; PhD, History of Religions, University of Virginia, 2002; Dupont Writing Fellowship, 2000-01; Adjunct Instructor, History of Asian Religions, University of Virginia, 1999; Visiting Lecturer, Sanskrit Epics, Sweet Briar College, 1999; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 2001-2019.

    • Michael W. Grenke


      BA, University of Chicago, 1988; PhD, Boston College, 1994; Lecturer, University of New Hampshire, 1993; Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston College, 1993–94, 1996; Visiting Assistant Professor in Political Science, Michigan State University, 1995; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–2023; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.

    • Charlie Gustafson-Barrett


      BA, Sarah Lawrence College, 2006; MA, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2010; Guest Faculty in Philosophy, Sarah Lawrence College, 2013–14; PhD, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2018; Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University, 2018–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.

    • Claudia Hauer


      BA, University of Chicago, 1986; MA, 1991, PhD, 1993, Classics and Modern Greek Studies, University of Minnesota; Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Cornell College, 1993–94; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1994–present; Distinguished Visiting Professor, United States Air Force Academy, 2010–12; 2014–17.

    • Topi Heikker枚


      MTh, Theological Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Helsinki, 2000; MA, Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 2005; PhD, Social Ethics, University of Helsinki, 2009; Researcher, Center for Social Ethics, University of Helsinki, 2002–07; Visiting Scholar, Colorado School of Mines, 2003–04; University Lecturer in Ethics, Department of Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki 2007; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2008–present.

    • Stephen Houser

      Tutor Emeritus

      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1979; San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 1980-82; MA, University of Virginia, 1989; PhD, University of Virginia, 1990; President’s Fellow, University of Virginia, 1987-90; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1983-2022.

    • Joshua Hudelson


      Deep Springs College, 2001–03; BA, Anthropology, Columbia University, 2006; MA, Digital Musics, Dartmouth College, 2011; PhD, Music, New York University, 2018; Visiting Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, 2018–19; Postdoctoral Fellow, Orient-Institut Beirut, 2019–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2022–present.

    • Frank R. Hunt


      St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1971–73; Cornell University, 1973–74; BA, New York University, 1976; MA, 1980, PhD, 1985, The Catholic University of America; Editor, Catholic University of America Press, 1980–86; Lecturer, Marymount University of Virginia, 1985–86; Editor, Princeton University Press, 1987–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1990–present.

    • Mahmoud Jalloh

      Teaching Fellow

      BS, Physics and Philosophy, Northeastern University 2017; Visiting Student Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, University of Southern California 2023; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College 2023–present.

    • William Kerr

      Tutor Emeritus

      B.S., International Agricultural Development, Oklahoma State University, 1974; University of Illinois Fellowship, 1975-6; M.S., Economics, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1976; Graduate Study in Economics, University of Chicago, 1976-7; University of Colorado Graduate Fellowship, 1983-87; M.A., Classics, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1985; Graduate Study in Ancient Philosophy, Cambridge University, 1987-8; Reynolds Fellowship, 1988-9; Instructor in Latin, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos, Summer 1985; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder, Summer 1990; Certificate, Chinese Language Education Program, Providence University, Shalu, Taiwan, 1998; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989-2016; Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, 2016-present.

    • T. Andrew Kingston


      AB, English, Kenyon College, 1995; PhD, Philosophy and Music, The University Professors Program, Boston University, 2003; Lecturer, English, Boston University, 2001–02; Visiting Instructor, Integrated Program in Humane Studies, Kenyon College, 2001–02; Adjunct Instructor, Jazz Piano, Kenyon College, 2001–02; Instructor, Writing Program, Boston University, 2002–03; The University Professor’s Program Post-Doctoral Fellow, Boston University, 2003–04; Instructor, Core Curriculum, Boston University, 2004–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–present.

    • Georgia 鈥淪usu鈥 Knight

      Tutor Emerita

      B.S., Philosophy, 1970, M.A., English, 1972, Teaching Fellow, 1970-74, University of Utah; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1974-2006; Assistant Dean, 1988-90.

    • Phil LeCuyer

      Tutor Emeritus

      BA, Colorado College, 1966; Merton College, Oxford University, 1969; Studies in Biology, University of New Mexico, 1970-72; Boettcher Scholar, 1962-66; Perkins Scholar, 1963-66; Rhodes Scholar, 1966-69; Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1966-72; Woodrow Wilson Fellow (honorary), 1966; Tutor, English Literature, Summer Humanities Institute, Colorado College, 1968; Tutor, Biology and Chemistry, Institute of Social Research and Development, University of New Mexico, 1971-72; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1972-2018.

    • David Levine

      Tutor Emeritus

      University of Pennsylvania, 1962; AB St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1967; MA 1969, PhD 1975, The Pennsylvania State University; Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1967-68; NDEA Fellow (Honorary) 1967-70; University Graduate Fellow, The Pennsylvania State University 1969-70; Independent Research, Centre Universitaire International, Paris, 1970; Language Study, Goethe Institut, West Germany 1970-71; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Maryland, West Germany, 1971; Teaching Assistant and Instructor in Philosophy and Humanities, The Pennsylvania State University, 1968-69, 1971-75; Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Oklahoma State University, 1975-80; Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Oklahoma State University, 1980-88; Fellowship Research Grant, Earhart Foundation, 1984-85; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1986, 1988-2019, Assistant Dean, 1997, Director of the Graduate Institute, 1997-2001; Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2001-2006.

    • Allison D鈥檕razio Levy


      BA, 2006, MA, 2008, Political Science, Boston College; PhD, 2015, Political Science, Boston College; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2015–present.

    • David Levy


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2003; MA, Pennsylvania State University, 2005; PhD, Boston College, Department of Political Science, 2010; Visiting Assistant Professor, Emory University, Department of Political Science, 2011–12; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2012–present.

    • Obed Lira


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2010; AM, Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 2013; PhD, Romances Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 2017; Graduate Prize Fellowship, Harvard University, 2011–15; Research Fellow, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 2014; John H. Coatsworth Fellowship in Latin American History, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2015; Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, Canada, 2018; European Summer University in Digital Humanities, Universität Leipzig, Germany, 2021; C. Graydon and Mary E. Rogers Faculty Fellow, Bucknell University, 2017–20; Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Bucknell University, 2017–22; Faculty in Residence, Bucknell en España, Spain, 2022; Research Affiliate, Poetic Media Lab, Stanford University, 2019–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.

    • Kathleen Longwaters


      BA, English Literature and Zoology with distinction, University of Maine, 1987; MA, Eastern Classics, St. John’s College, 2007; MA, Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, 2009; PhD, South Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Texas, 2018. Mossiker Fellow 2012; FLAS Fellow 2013, 2014, 2016; Oslo-Austin Research Fellow, Norway, 2014; Fulbright-Nehru, India, 2015; UT Continuing Fellow 2017; Granof Dissertation Award, 2018. Instructor, University of Maine, 1983. Assistant Manager of Publications, CSEM 1987; Senior Cytogenetic Technologist, Genzyme, 1989–2005; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College 2017–18. Tutor, 2019–present.

    • Erika Troseth Martinez


      BA, English, Colby College, 1995; PhD, Linguistics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2009; Tutor, St. John’s College 2010–present.

    • Richard A. McCombs, II


      BA, BS, Fordham University, 1990; Loyola Fellow, Fordham University, 1990–92; MA, Fordham University, 1992; Teaching Fellow, Fordham University, 1992–94; Instructor, Marist College, 1995, Tutor, Rose Hill College, 1996–98; Instructor, University of South Carolina, 1999; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present; PhD, Fordham University, 2000.

    • David McDonald


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1995; Graduate Research Assistant, Theoretical Biology & Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1995–96; Programmer, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 1996–98; Applications Developer, PE Informatics, Santa Fe, NM, 1998–99; Manager of Technical Services, Panorama Point Web Development, Santa Fe, NM, 1999–2001; Senior Technician, Theoretical Biology & Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2001–06; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2016–2020; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, Fall 2021 and Summer 2023.

    • Maggie Evans McGuinness

      Assistant Dean

      BA, Spanish Language & Literature/English Literature, Western Washington University, 2004; MFA, Poetry, Texas State University, 2007; PhD, American Literature/Poetics, University of Oregon, 2012; Teaching Assistant and Instructor in Literature and Composition, Texas State University, 2004–07; Instructor in Literature and Composition, University of Oregon, 2007–11; Dissertation Fellow, Center for the Study of Women in Society, 2011–12; Fellow, Oregon Humanities Center, 2012; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2015–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.

    • Joshua Mirth


      BS, Hillsdale College, 2015; MS, Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2017; PhD, Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2020; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computational Math, Science, and Engineering, Michigan State University, 2020-2021; Senior Data Science Analyst, Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, 2021-2023; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.

    • April Olsen

      Visiting Tutor

      Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

    • Raoni聽 Padui


      BA Vassar College, 2003; MA Philosophy, Villanova University, 2005; PhD Philosophy, Villanova University, 2012; Adjunct Instructor, Villanova University, 2007-2011; Part-Time Faculty, University of New Mexico, Fall 2012; Tutor, St. John’s College, Spring 2013–present.

    • Peter Pesic

      Tutor Emeritus and Musician-in-Residence

      AB, Harvard University, 1969; MS, 1970, PhD, 1975, Stanford University; Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1969–75; Research Assistant and Associate, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1970–75; Lecturer, Stanford University, 1976–80; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1980-2013; Musician-in-Residence, 1984–present; Dorr Lecturer, University of North Carolina, 2003; Peano Prize, 2005; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006–present; Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2007–08; Ronald James Alexander Memorial Lecturer on Musicology, Stanford University, 2008; Paul Leonard Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Nevada at Reno, 2009; Fellow, American Physical Society 2010- ; Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 2010–12; Price/Webster Prize, 2012; Associate, Department of Physics, Harvard University, 2013- ; History of Science Society 2013 Joseph H. Hazen Education Prize.

    • Eric聽 Poppele

      Tutor and Director of Laboratories

      University of Chicago, 1979–80; BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989; MSE, Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 1991; Associate Engineer, Montgomery Watson, 1992–93; Environmental Engineer, Hinds Environmental, Inc., 1994–98; Licensed Professional Engineer, New Mexico, 1997–2009; PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2006; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2003–present; Director of Laboratories, 2016–19; Guest Instructor, “Beauty and the Sacred,” Rome Institute of Liberal Arts, Summer 2019; Director of Laboratories, 2024–present.

    • Aparna Ravilochan


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2012; Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Malaysia, 2013; MA, 2017; PhD Candidate, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2019–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.

    • Julie Reahard


      BA, English, Michigan State University, 1980; MA, Old Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Nevada, Reno, 1984; PhD, Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1991; Teaching fellow, Department of English, University of Nevada, Reno, 1981–84; Instructor, Department of English, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1987–88; Instructor, College of General Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1988–89; Graduate Work, Literary Theory, University of Pennsylvania, 1988–91; Post Doctoral Research, History of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992–93; Associate Professor, English Department, Providence University, Shalu, Taiwan, 1996–98; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1993–present.

    • Mark Rollins


      AB, Princeton University (1977), PhD, Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley (1991). Teaching Fellow in Philosophy while at Berkeley; Teaching Fellow in the Core Curriculum, Harvard University for six years (last in 1997). Also taught at UNAM, Mexico City, the American University in Bulgaria, and elsewhere. Visiting Scholar, History of Science Museum, Florence Italy, 2005–06; Visiting Professor in Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2012–13; Visiting Professor, Philosophy & Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2021-2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1998–present.

    • Stephen Rosenberg

      Visiting Tutor

      Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

    • Nathan Shields


      BM, Music Composition, New England Conservatory of Music, 2006; MM, DMA, Music Composition, the Juilliard School, 2013; Faculty, Department of Music History, the Juilliard School, 2013-16; Associate Faculty, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, 2013-present; Charles Ives Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Letters, 2014; Fellow, Tanglewood Music Center, 2015; Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, St. Olaf College, 2016-17; Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2022-23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023-present.

    • Marsaura Shukla


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1993; MPhil in Theology, Fordham University, 2000; PhD in Theology, University of Chicago, 2012; Martin Marty Fellow, 2006–07; Alma Wilson Fellow, 2007–08; William Rainey Harper Fellow, 2008–09; Lilly Teaching Fellow, 2010–11; Instructor, University of Chicago, 2006–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2012–present.

    • Ahmed聽 Siddiqi


      BA, Political Science, BS Economics, University of North Texas, 2010; MA, Government, University of Texas, 2014; PhD, Government, University of Texas, 2018; Marcus Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow, Emory University, 2018–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.

    • Kit Slover


      B.A., St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014; M.A., Philosophy, Emory University, 2018; PhD, Philosophy, Emory University, 2021; Instructor of Philosophy, Emory University, 2017–20; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2020–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.

    • David Starr

      Tutor Emeritus

      BA, Gordon College, 1962; MA, 1966, PhD, 1972, Boston University; Graduate Assistant in Philosophy, Boston University, 1963-64; Teaching Intern, Boston University College of Basic Studies, 1964-66; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Rhode Island, 1966-71; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1972-80, Santa Fe, 1982-2022, Director of The Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, Santa Fe, 1980-82.

    • Nicholas Starr


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2002; MA, Political Science, Boston College, 2007; PhD, Political Science, Boston College, 2013; Lecturer and Fellow, Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy, University of Virginia, 2012-2014; Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, Emory University, 2014–15; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2016–present.

    • Sarah Stickney


      BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2004; Marchutz School of Art, student, 2004–05, studio assistant 2005–06; MFA, University of New Hampshire, 2010; Fulbright Grant for the translation of Italian poetry, Bologna, Italy 2010–11; Instructor, School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins, Bologna, Italy 2011–12; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, 2017–19; Dean, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, 2018–2021; Tutor, St. John’s College 2013–present.

    • Susan Stickney

      Tutor Emerita

      BA, SUNY-Binghamton, 1970; Fulbright Scholar, Freiburg, Germany 19970-71; MA, University of Michigan, 1972; German teacher, Olney Friends School, 1972-1975; Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiberg, Germany, 1975-1980; PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1985; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1992-2017.

    • Annie Thompson


      BA summa cum laude, English and Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas, 2014; PhD, English Language and Literature, University of Virginia, 2022; Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Villanova University, 2022–23; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.

    • Caleb Thompson


      Tufts University, 1980–1982; BA, Philosophy, Clark University, 1985; MA, Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1990; PhD, Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1994; Postdoctoral Fellow, SUNY at Buffalo, 1994–96; Hourani Lecturer, SUNY at Buffalo, 1994–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1996–present.

    • Krishnan Venkatesh


      BA, English Literature, Magdalene College, Cambridge University, 1982; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (on Shakespeare editions), University of Muenster, West Germany, 1982–86; Lecturer in British and American Literature, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China, 1986–89; Guest Lecturer in Film Analysis, North China Film and Broadcasting Institute, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989–present; Graduate Institute Director, 2004–09.

    • Paola Villa


      Laurea, Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Universtità degli Studi di Pavia, 2004; Doctoral candidate, Letterature Comparate, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2004–07; PhD, Italian and History of Science, Medicine and Technology (minor), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017; Instructor in Italian, 2008–16 and Teaching Assistant in History of Science, 2014–16, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2020–present.

    • Edward A. Walpin


      BA, Political Science, Middlebury College, 1987; MA, English, Middlebury College (Bread Loaf School of English), 1989; MA, Political Science, Duke University, 1992; PhD, Political Science, Duke University, 1998; National Endowment for the Humanities Dissertation Grant, 1993–94; Exchange Fellow and Instructor, Institut für Politische Wissenschaft, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany, 1994–95; Fellow, Instructor, and Project Coordinator, Kenan Ethics Program, Duke University, 1997–98; Consultant, PBS Frontline, 1998–99; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2010–14; Interim Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014; Executive Director of Enrollment Management, 2016–17; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2020–2024.

    • Llyd Ewan Wells


      BA, Near Eastern Studies (Assyriology) and Natural Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, general and departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa, 1999; MS Oceanography, University of Washington, 2001; Graduate Certificate, Astrobiology, and PhD, Oceanography, University of Washington, 2006; Beneficial-Hodson Trust Scholar, Umm el-Marra, Syria, 1999; National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow, 1999–2002; Recipient, National Science Foundation Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship, 2002–05; Scholar in Residence, Center for Northern Studies, Sterling College, VT, 2006–07; Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, 2007–08; Visiting Faculty, Wagner Free Institute of Science, 2008; Associate, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 2008–present; Visiting Arctic Fellow, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College, 2015–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2008–present.

    • Ron Martin Wilson


      BA, New York University, Comparative Literature, 1998; Henry Luce Fellow, Japan, 1998; New York University, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), 2007–09; Fulbright Fellow, Japan, 2015; Ford Fellowship, 2016; Princeton University, Comparative Literature, 2020; President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2020; St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.

    • Russell Winslow


      BA, 1997, Literary Studies, summa cum laude, University of Texas at Dallas; MA, 2001, and PhD, 2006, Philosophy, Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research; Teaching fellow, Eugene Lang College, New York City, 2001–05; Post-doctoral fellow at Fordham University College at Lincoln Center, 2006–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2007–present.

    • Kenneth B. Wolfe


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1994; MA, Latin, University of California at Berkeley, 1996; PhD, Classics, University of California at Berkeley, 2000; Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics and Humanities, Reed College, 2000–02; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2002–present.

    • Michael Wehring Wolfe


      BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1994; MA, History of Religions, University of Virginia, 1997; MDiv, Religion, Columbia University, 2008; PhD, Religion (Islamic Studies), Columbia University, 2016; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present.

    • Alan Zeitlin


      BA English University of California, Davis 1979, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa MA English (Creative Writing) University of California, Davis 1985 JD University of California, Berkeley 1987 Visiting student Hebrew University 1988–89 Graduate student in Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley 1990–92 PhD Classics University of California Berkeley 1998; Lecturer: University of California, Berkeley, Spring 1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, Emory University, 1999–2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bard College, 2000–04, St. John’s College, 2005–present.

    • Amie Leigh Zimmer


      BA, Philosophy and English, University of New Mexico, 2012; MA, Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 2015; PhD, Philosophy, University of Oregon, 2021; Instructor, Philosophy, Seattle University, 2020–21; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.


Profile of  Judith I. Adam




BA, 1986, MA, 1989, Political Science, University of Alberta; PhD, 1996, Political Science, Boston College; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1996–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–08.


Profile of  Seth Appelbaum


Seth  Appelbaum Profile



BA, St John’s College, Annapolis, 2009; MA, Philosophy, 2013, and PhD, Philosophy, 2015, Tulane University; Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Bellarmine College, 2015–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2017–present.


Tutors Talk (& Read) Books: Seth Appelbaum (A09)



Profile of  Jan Arsenault


Jan Arsenault Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1982; MA, University of Denver Counseling Psychology, 1989; Diploma in Analytical Psychology, CG Jung Institute of Santa Fe, 2006; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1996–present: Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014–17.

Profile of  Lindsay Atnip




BA, 2005, MA, Master’s Program in the Social Sciences, 2009, PhD, Committee on Social Thought, 2019, University of Chicago; Postdoctoral Scholar, Humanities and Social Change Center, University of California-Santa Barbara, 2019–21; Lecturer, Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, University of Chicago, 2015–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.


Profile of  Philip Bartok


Philip Bartok Profile



BS, Physics, University of Connecticut, 1992; Physics Instructor, Denver Institute of Technology, 1995; MA, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2004; PhD, Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2004; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2003–present.


Profile of  Guillermo Bleichmar




BA, English Literature, Columbia University, 1997; PhD, Comparative Literature, Harvard University, 2007; Harvard University Teaching Fellow, 2001–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2009–present.




Profile of  David Bolotin

Tutor Emeritus

David Bolotin Profile


B.A., Cornell University, 1966; Ph.D., New York University, 1974; Lecturer in Classics, Yale University, 1971-73; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1974-82; Santa Fe, 1982-2012; Visiting Associate Professor, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1986, 1987-88; Carl Friedrich von Siemens Fellow, Siemens Institute, Munich, 2006-07.


Profile of  Michael D. Bybee

Tutor Emeritus


B.A., Philosophy, 1972, B.A., M.A., English, 1972, 1975, Idaho State University; educational therapist, Gateway Mental Health Center, Pocatello, Idaho, 1972-74; M.A., Ph.D., Philosophy, 1976, 1981, University of Hawaii; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Idaho State University, 1982-84; Instructor of English, 1984-90,Senior Instructor of English, 1990-95, University of Oregon; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, San Diego State University, 1995-96; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1996-2021.

Profile of  Anthony James Carey




St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1963–65; BA, University of North Carolina, 1967; MA, 1973, PhD 1998, Graduate Faculty, The New School for Social Research; U.S. Marine Corps, 1967–69; Graduate Study in Music, University of North Carolina, 1969; Part-time Instructor in Philosophy, East Carolina University, 1974-78; Part-time Instructor in Philosophy, North Carolina Wesleyan College, 1976–78; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1979–83, Santa Fe, 1984–present; Dean, 1986–91, 1996–2000; Acting President, 2000. Distinguished Visiting Professor of Philosophy, United States Air Force Academy (2004–07; 2009–14; 2016–21; 2024).


Tutors Talk Books: James Carey on Natural Reason and Natural Law”




Profile of  David Carl

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

David Carl Profile



BA, Philosophy, Pomona College, 1990; MA, Philosophy, Claremont Graduate School, 1991; PhD, Comparative Literature, University of California at Davis, 2000; Lecturer in Philosophy, California State University San Bernardino, 1991–93; English Instructor, Wuppertal, Germany, 1992; Philosophy and Religion Instructor, Diablo Valley College, 1993–95; Poet in Residence, Shakespeare and Company Bookstore, Paris, France, 1998; Comparative Literature Instructor, UC Davis, 1995–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2000–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2008–10; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2012–16, 2024–present.


Books by Johnnies: Fragments


Continuing the Conversation: “The Fool’s Paradise: To Where Does Travel Lead?”



Profile of  Alison Chapman


Alison  Chapman Profile



BA Honors, English Literature, Trinity College at the University of Toronto, 2009; PhD, English Literature, Harvard University, 2017; Harvard University Teaching Fellow, 2011–17; Preceptor, Harvard College Writing Program, 2017–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2020–present.


Tutors Talk (& Read) Books: Alison Chapman



Profile of  Christine Chen


Christine Chen Profile



BA, magna cum laude, Wellesley College, Russian Studies, 1999; 1998–99, Yale University; MA, Harvard University, Regional Studies: Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, 2001; Program Coordinator, Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe, 2001–02; PhD candidate, Modern and Medieval Languages, Cambridge University, U.K.; Graduate tutor, departmental lecturer, Cambridge University, 2004–06; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2006–present.


Cancer Survivor and Tutor Christine Chen Found Solace—and Treatment—Within the St. John’s Community


Profile of  Christopher Cohoon


Christopher Cohoon Profile



B.A., Philosophy and Mathematics, Mount Allison University, Canada, 2002; M.A., Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2004; M.A., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2009; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Doctoral Fellow, 2007–10; Chercheur Invité, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, 2009–10; Ph.D., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2016; Faculty Fellow in the Humanities, University of King’s College, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2013–16; Senior Faculty Fellow in the Humanities and Associate Director, Foundation Year Program, University of King’s College, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2016–19; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2019–20; Santa Fe, 2020–present.



Profile of  John Cornell

Tutor Emeritus

John  Cornell Profile



BA, 1975, MA, 1977, McGill University; PhD, University of Chicago, 1981; McConnell Fellow, 1975-77; Fishbein Fellow, 1977-80; Searle Fellow, 1980-81; NEH Fellow, 1982; ACLS Fellow, 1983-84; Assistant Professor, Honors College, University of Oregon, 1981-83; Assistant Professor, History of Science, University of Georgia, 1984-85; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1985-2022; Visiting Assistant Professor of History of Science, University of Chicago, 1990.


Tutors Talk Books: John Cornell, Santa Fe





Profile of  Matt Davis

Tutor Emeritus



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1982; MA in Philosophy, Dalhousie University, 1984; PhD Candidate in Philosophy and Classics, University of Pittsburgh, 1985- 87; PhD in Political Science, Boston College, 1995; Killam Fellow, 1983-84; Earhart Fellow, 1990-91; Bradley Fellow, 1993-96; Bradley Fellow, University of Toronto, 1996-98; Donner Fellow, 1997-98; Special Projects Editor, Books in Canada, 1997-98; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1998-2023; Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Classics, Carthage College, 2002; Assistant Dean, 2003-05; Visiting Scholar, Boston College, 2005-06; Graduate Institute Director, 2009-12; Dean, 2015-2018.



Profile of  William Donahue

Tutor Emeritus

William  Donahue Profile


Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.





Profile of  Jacques Antoine Duvoisin


Jacques  Antoine Duvoisin Profile



BA, 1980, St. John’s College, Annapolis; MA, 1984, PhD, 1992, The Catholic University of America; Knights of Columbus Fellow, 1981–84; Visiting Fellow, University of London, School for Advanced Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Fall 2009; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1997–present.


Books by Johnnies: Jacques Duvoisin



Profile of  Michael Ehrmantraut




BA, Political Theory and International Relations, Michigan State University; PhD Political Science, Boston College, 2001; Bradley Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship, Boston College, 2002, Visiting Scholar, Boston College, 2003–04; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2005–present.


Profile of  Natalie Elliot


Natalie Elliot Profile



BA Honors, Political Science, 2002, and MA, Political Science, 2004, University of Alberta; PhD, Political Science, University of North Texas, 2009; Teaching Fellow, Department of Political Science and Honors College, University of North Texas, 2009–10; Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Southern Methodist University, 2010–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2011–present; Research Fellow, Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions, Spring 2014; Lecturer, Hutton Honors College, Indiana University, 2014–15; Creative Writing Teaching Fellow, University of Montana, 2018–20. MFA, Fiction, University of Montana, 2020; Senior Writer, Santa Fe Institute, 2022; Guest Artist-in-Residence, Woodward Residency, Queens, New York, 2023.


Tutors Talk Books: Natalie Elliot




Profile of  Howard Fisher

Tutor Emeritus

Howard  Fisher Profile


B.A., University of Rochester, 1965; Technician, Harvard University Cyclotron Laboratory, 1964, 1965; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1965–2006 and Santa Fe, 2006–2018; Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Western New England College, 1980; Visiting Senior Member, Linacre College, Oxford University, 1982–83.


Faraday’s Experimental Researches in Electricity: Guide to a First Reading





Profile of  Grant H. Franks


Grant H. Franks Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1977; JD, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, 1980; Associate, Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, San Francisco, CA, 1980–83; Clerk to Judge Cecil E. Poole, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco, CA, 1983–84, Associate, Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe, San Francisco, CA, 1984–88; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1988–present.


Tutors Talk Books: Mr. Franks on Ulysses


Continuing the Conversation: “The Thrill of Literature—and of the Universe”


Profile of  Martha Franks

Visiting Tutor

Martha  Franks Profile


Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.


Tutor Martha Franks on “Books without Borders”





Profile of  Michael Golluber


Michael Golluber Profile



BA, Liberal Arts, Sarah Lawrence College, 1988; MA, Philosophy, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1991; PhD, Philosophy, Tulane University, 1998; Instructor of Philosophy, Southwestern University, 1996–98; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University of Louisiana, 1998–2000; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2000–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2017–21.


Tutors Talk Books: Michael Golluber on ‘Summer Reading’


Profile of  Patricia Greer

Tutor Emerita

Patricia  Greer Profile



BA, College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 1966; MA, Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, 1967; Teaching Fellow, University of Southern California, 1968-69; MA, St. John's College, Annapolis, 1995; PhD, History of Religions, University of Virginia, 2002; Dupont Writing Fellowship, 2000-01; Adjunct Instructor, History of Asian Religions, University of Virginia, 1999; Visiting Lecturer, Sanskrit Epics, Sweet Briar College, 1999; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2001-2019.


Continuing the Conversation: The Ideal Community: The Adventure to Try

Profile of  Michael W. Grenke


Michael W. Grenke Profile


BA, University of Chicago, 1988; PhD, Boston College, 1994; Lecturer, University of New Hampshire, 1993; Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston College, 1993–94, 1996; Visiting Assistant Professor in Political Science, Michigan State University, 1995; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1997–2023; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.


“Penelope: The Odyssey’s Creative Thinker”



Profile of  Charlie Gustafson-Barrett




BA, Sarah Lawrence College, 2006; MA, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2010; Guest Faculty in Philosophy, Sarah Lawrence College, 2013–14; PhD, Philosophy, Tulane University, 2018; Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Xavier University, 2018–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.



Profile of  Claudia Hauer


Claudia Hauer Profile



BA, University of Chicago, 1986; MA, 1991, PhD, 1993, Classics and Modern Greek Studies, University of Minnesota; Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Cornell College, 1993–94; Tutor, St. John’s College, 1994–present; Distinguished Visiting Professor, United States Air Force Academy, 2010–12; 2014–17.


Books by Johnnies: Strategic Humanism: Lessons on Leadership from the Ancient Greeks


Continuing the Conversation: “Practicing for Death: Integrating Mind and Body, East and West”


Profile of  Topi Heikker枚


Topi Heikker枚 Profile



MTh, Theological Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, University of Helsinki, 2000; MA, Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 2005; PhD, Social Ethics, University of Helsinki, 2009; Researcher, Center for Social Ethics, University of Helsinki, 2002–07; Visiting Scholar, Colorado School of Mines, 2003–04; University Lecturer in Ethics, Department of Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki 2007; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2008–present.


Books by Johnnies: Ethics in Technology: A Philosophical Study


Profile of  Stephen Houser

Tutor Emeritus



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1979; San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 1980-82; MA, University of Virginia, 1989; PhD, University of Virginia, 1990; President’s Fellow, University of Virginia, 1987-90; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1983-2022.



Profile of  Joshua Hudelson


Joshua Hudelson Profile



Deep Springs College, 2001–03; BA, Anthropology, Columbia University, 2006; MA, Digital Musics, Dartmouth College, 2011; PhD, Music, New York University, 2018; Visiting Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut, 2018–19; Postdoctoral Fellow, Orient-Institut Beirut, 2019–20; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2022–present.



Profile of  Frank R. Hunt




St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1971–73; Cornell University, 1973–74; BA, New York University, 1976; MA, 1980, PhD, 1985, The Catholic University of America; Editor, Catholic University of America Press, 1980–86; Lecturer, Marymount University of Virginia, 1985–86; Editor, Princeton University Press, 1987–89; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1990–present.



Profile of  Mahmoud Jalloh

Teaching Fellow

Mahmoud Jalloh Profile



BS, Physics and Philosophy, Northeastern University 2017; Visiting Student Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, 2016; PhD, Philosophy, University of Southern California 2023; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College 2023–present.


Profile of  William Kerr

Tutor Emeritus


B.S., International Agricultural Development, Oklahoma State University, 1974; University of Illinois Fellowship, 1975-6; M.S., Economics, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1976; Graduate Study in Economics, University of Chicago, 1976-7; University of Colorado Graduate Fellowship, 1983-87; M.A., Classics, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1985; Graduate Study in Ancient Philosophy, Cambridge University, 1987-8; Reynolds Fellowship, 1988-9; Instructor in Latin, University of New Mexico-Los Alamos, Summer 1985; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder, Summer 1990; Certificate, Chinese Language Education Program, Providence University, Shalu, Taiwan, 1998; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989-2016; Tutor Emeritus, St. John’s College, 2016-present.


Books by Johnnies: William Kerr

Profile of  T. Andrew Kingston


T.   Andrew Kingston Profile



AB, English, Kenyon College, 1995; PhD, Philosophy and Music, The University Professors Program, Boston University, 2003; Lecturer, English, Boston University, 2001–02; Visiting Instructor, Integrated Program in Humane Studies, Kenyon College, 2001–02; Adjunct Instructor, Jazz Piano, Kenyon College, 2001–02; Instructor, Writing Program, Boston University, 2002–03; The University Professor’s Program Post-Doctoral Fellow, Boston University, 2003–04; Instructor, Core Curriculum, Boston University, 2004–05; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–present.


Tutors Talk (& Read) Books: Andy Kingston




Profile of  Georgia 鈥淪usu鈥 Knight

Tutor Emerita

Georgia 鈥淪usu鈥 Knight Profile


B.S., Philosophy, 1970, M.A., English, 1972, Teaching Fellow, 1970-74, University of Utah; Tutor, St. John's College, Santa Fe, 1974-2006; Assistant Dean, 1988-90.


Meet Susu Knight: Artist, Translator, and Santa Fe’s First Tenured Female Tutor

Profile of  Phil LeCuyer

Tutor Emeritus



BA, Colorado College, 1966; Merton College, Oxford University, 1969; Studies in Biology, University of New Mexico, 1970-72; Boettcher Scholar, 1962-66; Perkins Scholar, 1963-66; Rhodes Scholar, 1966-69; Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1966-72; Woodrow Wilson Fellow (honorary), 1966; Tutor, English Literature, Summer Humanities Institute, Colorado College, 1968; Tutor, Biology and Chemistry, Institute of Social Research and Development, University of New Mexico, 1971-72; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1972-2018.







Profile of  David Levine

Tutor Emeritus

David  Levine Profile



University of Pennsylvania, 1962; AB St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1967; MA 1969, PhD 1975, The Pennsylvania State University; Woodrow Wilson Fellow 1967-68; NDEA Fellow (Honorary) 1967-70; University Graduate Fellow, The Pennsylvania State University 1969-70; Independent Research, Centre Universitaire International, Paris, 1970; Language Study, Goethe Institut, West Germany 1970-71; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Maryland, West Germany, 1971; Teaching Assistant and Instructor in Philosophy and Humanities, The Pennsylvania State University, 1968-69, 1971-75; Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Oklahoma State University, 1975-80; Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Oklahoma State University, 1980-88; Fellowship Research Grant, Earhart Foundation, 1984-85; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1986, 1988-2019, Assistant Dean, 1997, Director of the Graduate Institute, 1997-2001; Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2001-2006.



Profile of  Allison D鈥檕razio Levy


Allison  D鈥檕razio Levy Profile



BA, 2006, MA, 2008, Political Science, Boston College; PhD, 2015, Political Science, Boston College; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2015–present.



Profile of  David Levy




BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2003; MA, Pennsylvania State University, 2005; PhD, Boston College, Department of Political Science, 2010; Visiting Assistant Professor, Emory University, Department of Political Science, 2011–12; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2012–present.


Books by Johnnies: Eros and Socratic Political Philosophy

Profile of  Obed Lira


Obed  Lira Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2010; AM, Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 2013; PhD, Romances Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, 2017; Graduate Prize Fellowship, Harvard University, 2011–15; Research Fellow, El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 2014; John H. Coatsworth Fellowship in Latin American History, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2015; Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, Canada, 2018; European Summer University in Digital Humanities, Universität Leipzig, Germany, 2021; C. Graydon and Mary E. Rogers Faculty Fellow, Bucknell University, 2017–20; Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Bucknell University, 2017–22; Faculty in Residence, Bucknell en España, Spain, 2022; Research Affiliate, Poetic Media Lab, Stanford University, 2019–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.


Poet of the Infinite: Tutor Obed Lira (SF10) Leads Faculty Seminar on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

. In «Ni distancias que estorben, ni mares que impidan»: globalización y la temprana modernidad hispánica, ed. Francisco Ramírez Santacruz y Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla, New York, IDEA, 2022, pp. 121-135.

. Valparaíso Ediciones. 2022

“.” Colonial Latin American Review, vol. 28 issue 4, 2019, pp. 538-555.

“New World Barbarians in Rinconete y Cortadillo” in Cervantes Transatlántico/Transatlantic Cervantes. Eds. Francisco Ramírez Santacruz and Pedro Ángel Palou. Ibérica. Peter Lang Publishing, 2019, pp. 33-47.

“.” Public History Project of Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas - NOTICONQUISTA, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), 2019.

“.” Hispanic Review, vol. 87 no. 3, 2019, pp. 309-331.

Profile of  Kathleen Longwaters


Kathleen Longwaters Profile



BA, English Literature and Zoology with distinction, University of Maine, 1987; MA, Eastern Classics, St. John’s College, 2007; MA, Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, 2009; PhD, South Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Texas, 2018. Mossiker Fellow 2012; FLAS Fellow 2013, 2014, 2016; Oslo-Austin Research Fellow, Norway, 2014; Fulbright-Nehru, India, 2015; UT Continuing Fellow 2017; Granof Dissertation Award, 2018. Instructor, University of Maine, 1983. Assistant Manager of Publications, CSEM 1987; Senior Cytogenetic Technologist, Genzyme, 1989–2005; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College 2017–18. Tutor, 2019–present.


Tutor Earns Top Award for Her Dissertation



Profile of  Erika Troseth Martinez




BA, English, Colby College, 1995; PhD, Linguistics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2009; Tutor, St. John’s College 2010–present.


Tutors Talk Books—Erika Martinez on James Baldwin



Profile of  Richard A. McCombs, II




BA, BS, Fordham University, 1990; Loyola Fellow, Fordham University, 1990–92; MA, Fordham University, 1992; Teaching Fellow, Fordham University, 1992–94; Instructor, Marist College, 1995, Tutor, Rose Hill College, 1996–98; Instructor, University of South Carolina, 1999; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present; PhD, Fordham University, 2000.


Books by Johnnies: The Paradoxical Rationality of Søren Kierkegaard




Profile of  David McDonald


David McDonald Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1995; Graduate Research Assistant, Theoretical Biology & Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1995–96; Programmer, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 1996–98; Applications Developer, PE Informatics, Santa Fe, NM, 1998–99; Manager of Technical Services, Panorama Point Web Development, Santa Fe, NM, 1999–2001; Senior Technician, Theoretical Biology & Biophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2001–06; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2005–present; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2016–2020; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, Fall 2021 and Summer 2023.


Why We Read Eastern Classics


Continuing the Conversation: “To Think or Do: The Unification of False Dichotomies”



Profile of  Maggie Evans McGuinness

Assistant Dean

Maggie Evans McGuinness Profile



BA, Spanish Language & Literature/English Literature, Western Washington University, 2004; MFA, Poetry, Texas State University, 2007; PhD, American Literature/Poetics, University of Oregon, 2012; Teaching Assistant and Instructor in Literature and Composition, Texas State University, 2004–07; Instructor in Literature and Composition, University of Oregon, 2007–11; Dissertation Fellow, Center for the Study of Women in Society, 2011–12; Fellow, Oregon Humanities Center, 2012; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2015–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.


Tutors Talk Books: Maggie Evans McGuinness



Profile of  Joshua Mirth



BS, Hillsdale College, 2015; MS, Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2017; PhD, Mathematics, Colorado State University, 2020; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computational Math, Science, and Engineering, Michigan State University, 2020-2021; Senior Data Science Analyst, Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, 2021-2023; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.

Profile of  April Olsen

Visiting Tutor


Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.





Profile of  Raoni聽 Padui


Raoni聽 Padui Profile



BA Vassar College, 2003; MA Philosophy, Villanova University, 2005; PhD Philosophy, Villanova University, 2012; Adjunct Instructor, Villanova University, 2007-2011; Part-Time Faculty, University of New Mexico, Fall 2012; Tutor, St. John’s College, Spring 2013–present.


Santa Fe Tutor Raoni Padui Discusses his Debut Book


Profile of  Peter Pesic

Tutor Emeritus and Musician-in-Residence

Peter Pesic Profile



AB, Harvard University, 1969; MS, 1970, PhD, 1975, Stanford University; Danforth Graduate Fellow, 1969–75; Research Assistant and Associate, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1970–75; Lecturer, Stanford University, 1976–80; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1980-2013; Musician-in-Residence, 1984–present; Dorr Lecturer, University of North Carolina, 2003; Peano Prize, 2005; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006–present; Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2007–08; Ronald James Alexander Memorial Lecturer on Musicology, Stanford University, 2008; Paul Leonard Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Nevada at Reno, 2009; Fellow, American Physical Society 2010- ; Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, 2010–12; Price/Webster Prize, 2012; Associate, Department of Physics, Harvard University, 2013- ; History of Science Society 2013 Joseph H. Hazen Education Prize.


Books by Johnnies: Peter Pesic




Profile of  Eric聽 Poppele

Tutor and Director of Laboratories

Eric聽 Poppele Profile



University of Chicago, 1979–80; BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989; MSE, Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 1991; Associate Engineer, Montgomery Watson, 1992–93; Environmental Engineer, Hinds Environmental, Inc., 1994–98; Licensed Professional Engineer, New Mexico, 1997–2009; PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2006; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2003–present; Director of Laboratories, 2016–19; Guest Instructor, “Beauty and the Sacred,” Rome Institute of Liberal Arts, Summer 2019; Director of Laboratories, 2024–present.






Profile of  Aparna Ravilochan


Aparna  Ravilochan Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2012; Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Malaysia, 2013; MA, 2017; PhD Candidate, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, 2019–present; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.


Alum-Turned-Tutor Aparna Ravilochan (SF12) Returns to the Classroom


Continuing the Conversation: “Family Drama: From Oedipus to Ozu”


Profile of  Julie Reahard


Julie Reahard Profile



BA, English, Michigan State University, 1980; MA, Old Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Nevada, Reno, 1984; PhD, Comparative Literature, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1991; Teaching fellow, Department of English, University of Nevada, Reno, 1981–84; Instructor, Department of English, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1987–88; Instructor, College of General Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 1988–89; Graduate Work, Literary Theory, University of Pennsylvania, 1988–91; Post Doctoral Research, History of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992–93; Associate Professor, English Department, Providence University, Shalu, Taiwan, 1996–98; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1993–present.


Continuing the Conversation: “Vanquishing the Enemy: Sports, War, And... Seminar?


Profile of  Mark Rollins




AB, Princeton University (1977), PhD, Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley (1991). Teaching Fellow in Philosophy while at Berkeley; Teaching Fellow in the Core Curriculum, Harvard University for six years (last in 1997). Also taught at UNAM, Mexico City, the American University in Bulgaria, and elsewhere. Visiting Scholar, History of Science Museum, Florence Italy, 2005–06; Visiting Professor in Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2012–13; Visiting Professor, Philosophy & Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2021-2022; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1998–present.

Profile of  Stephen Rosenberg

Visiting Tutor

Stephen  Rosenberg Profile


Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe.

Profile of  Nathan Shields


Nathan  Shields Profile


BM, Music Composition, New England Conservatory of Music, 2006; MM, DMA, Music Composition, the Juilliard School, 2013; Faculty, Department of Music History, the Juilliard School, 2013-16; Associate Faculty, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, 2013-present; Charles Ives Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Letters, 2014; Fellow, Tanglewood Music Center, 2015; Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, St. Olaf College, 2016-17; Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2022-23; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023-present.



Profile of  Marsaura Shukla


Marsaura Shukla Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1993; MPhil in Theology, Fordham University, 2000; PhD in Theology, University of Chicago, 2012; Martin Marty Fellow, 2006–07; Alma Wilson Fellow, 2007–08; William Rainey Harper Fellow, 2008–09; Lilly Teaching Fellow, 2010–11; Instructor, University of Chicago, 2006–11; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2012–present.


Tutors Talk Books: Marsaura Shukla





Profile of  Ahmed聽 Siddiqi


Ahmed聽 Siddiqi Profile



BA, Political Science, BS Economics, University of North Texas, 2010; MA, Government, University of Texas, 2014; PhD, Government, University of Texas, 2018; Marcus Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow, Emory University, 2018–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.





Profile of  Kit Slover


Kit Slover Profile



B.A., St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014; M.A., Philosophy, Emory University, 2018; PhD, Philosophy, Emory University, 2021; Instructor of Philosophy, Emory University, 2017–20; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2020–21; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.






Profile of  David Starr

Tutor Emeritus



BA, Gordon College, 1962; MA, 1966, PhD, 1972, Boston University; Graduate Assistant in Philosophy, Boston University, 1963-64; Teaching Intern, Boston University College of Basic Studies, 1964-66; Instructor in Philosophy, University of Rhode Island, 1966-71; Tutor, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 1972-80, Santa Fe, 1982-2022, Director of The Graduate Institute in Liberal Education, Santa Fe, 1980-82.


Entity and Existence: An Ontological Investigation of Aristotle and Heidegger

Profile of  Nicholas Starr




BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2002; MA, Political Science, Boston College, 2007; PhD, Political Science, Boston College, 2013; Lecturer and Fellow, Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy, University of Virginia, 2012-2014; Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, Emory University, 2014–15; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2016–present.


Profile of  Sarah Stickney


Sarah Stickney Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Annapolis, 2004; Marchutz School of Art, student, 2004–05, studio assistant 2005–06; MFA, University of New Hampshire, 2010; Fulbright Grant for the translation of Italian poetry, Bologna, Italy 2010–11; Instructor, School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins, Bologna, Italy 2011–12; Visiting Professor, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, 2017–19; Dean, Deep Springs College, Deep Springs, California, 2018–2021; Tutor, St. John’s College 2013–present.


Books by Johnnies: Portico



Profile of  Susan Stickney

Tutor Emerita



BA, SUNY-Binghamton, 1970; Fulbright Scholar, Freiburg, Germany 19970-71; MA, University of Michigan, 1972; German teacher, Olney Friends School, 1972-1975; Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiberg, Germany, 1975-1980; PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1985; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1992-2017.

Profile of  Annie Thompson


Annie Thompson Profile



BA summa cum laude, English and Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas, 2014; PhD, English Language and Literature, University of Virginia, 2022; Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Villanova University, 2022–23; Teaching Fellow, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2023–present.

Profile of  Caleb Thompson


Caleb Thompson Profile



Tufts University, 1980–1982; BA, Philosophy, Clark University, 1985; MA, Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1990; PhD, Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1994; Postdoctoral Fellow, SUNY at Buffalo, 1994–96; Hourani Lecturer, SUNY at Buffalo, 1994–95; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1996–present.




Profile of  Krishnan Venkatesh


Krishnan Venkatesh Profile



BA, English Literature, Magdalene College, Cambridge University, 1982; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (on Shakespeare editions), University of Muenster, West Germany, 1982–86; Lecturer in British and American Literature, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, People’s Republic of China, 1986–89; Guest Lecturer in Film Analysis, North China Film and Broadcasting Institute, 1989; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1989–present; Graduate Institute Director, 2004–09.


Books by Johnnies: Frodo’s Wound: Why ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is a Great Book


Continuing the Conversation: “Practicing for Death: Integrating Mind and Body, East and West”


Profile of  Paola Villa


Paola Villa Profile



Laurea, Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Universtità degli Studi di Pavia, 2004; Doctoral candidate, Letterature Comparate, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2004–07; PhD, Italian and History of Science, Medicine and Technology (minor), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017; Instructor in Italian, 2008–16 and Teaching Assistant in History of Science, 2014–16, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2020–present.


Tutors Talk (& Read) Books: Paola Villa


Continuing the Conversation: “Home & Hunger: The Crossroads of Food and Thought”


Profile of  Edward A. Walpin


Edward A. Walpin Profile



BA, Political Science, Middlebury College, 1987; MA, English, Middlebury College (Bread Loaf School of English), 1989; MA, Political Science, Duke University, 1992; PhD, Political Science, Duke University, 1998; National Endowment for the Humanities Dissertation Grant, 1993–94; Exchange Fellow and Instructor, Institut für Politische Wissenschaft, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany, 1994–95; Fellow, Instructor, and Project Coordinator, Kenan Ethics Program, Duke University, 1997–98; Consultant, PBS Frontline, 1998–99; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present; Assistant Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2010–14; Interim Dean, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2014; Executive Director of Enrollment Management, 2016–17; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, 2020–2024.


Ned Walpin Looks Back on 24 Years at St. John’s College—and Steering the Graduate Institute Through a Global Pandemic


Profile of  Llyd Ewan Wells


Llyd  Ewan Wells Profile



BA, Near Eastern Studies (Assyriology) and Natural Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, general and departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa, 1999; MS Oceanography, University of Washington, 2001; Graduate Certificate, Astrobiology, and PhD, Oceanography, University of Washington, 2006; Beneficial-Hodson Trust Scholar, Umm el-Marra, Syria, 1999; National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow, 1999–2002; Recipient, National Science Foundation Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship, 2002–05; Scholar in Residence, Center for Northern Studies, Sterling College, VT, 2006–07; Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, 2007–08; Visiting Faculty, Wagner Free Institute of Science, 2008; Associate, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 2008–present; Visiting Arctic Fellow, Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College, 2015–16; Tutor, St. John’s College, 2008–present.


A Conversation on Re-creating History with Tutor Llyd Wells





Profile of  Ron Martin Wilson


Ron  Martin Wilson Profile



BA, New York University, Comparative Literature, 1998; Henry Luce Fellow, Japan, 1998; New York University, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), 2007–09; Fulbright Fellow, Japan, 2015; Ford Fellowship, 2016; Princeton University, Comparative Literature, 2020; President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2020; St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–present.


Continuing the Conversation: “Ceremony and Beauty: The Pillow Book of Sei Sh艒nagon”


Profile of  Russell Winslow


Russell  Winslow Profile



BA, 1997, Literary Studies, summa cum laude, University of Texas at Dallas; MA, 2001, and PhD, 2006, Philosophy, Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research; Teaching fellow, Eugene Lang College, New York City, 2001–05; Post-doctoral fellow at Fordham University College at Lincoln Center, 2006–07; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2007–present.


Books by Johnnies: Aristotle and Rational Discovery: Speaking of Nature

Organism and Environment: Inheritance and Subjectivity in the Life Sciences


Profile of  Kenneth B. Wolfe


Kenneth  B. Wolfe Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1994; MA, Latin, University of California at Berkeley, 1996; PhD, Classics, University of California at Berkeley, 2000; Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics and Humanities, Reed College, 2000–02; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2002–present.


Summer Classics: A Beautiful Opacity




Profile of  Michael Wehring Wolfe


Michael Wehring  Wolfe Profile



BA, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1994; MA, History of Religions, University of Virginia, 1997; MDiv, Religion, Columbia University, 2008; PhD, Religion (Islamic Studies), Columbia University, 2016; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 1999–present.



Profile of  Alan Zeitlin


Alan Zeitlin Profile



BA English University of California, Davis 1979, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa MA English (Creative Writing) University of California, Davis 1985 JD University of California, Berkeley 1987 Visiting student Hebrew University 1988–89 Graduate student in Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley 1990–92 PhD Classics University of California Berkeley 1998; Lecturer: University of California, Berkeley, Spring 1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, Emory University, 1999–2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bard College, 2000–04, St. John’s College, 2005–present.


Profile of  Amie Leigh Zimmer




BA, Philosophy and English, University of New Mexico, 2012; MA, Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 2015; PhD, Philosophy, University of Oregon, 2021; Instructor, Philosophy, Seattle University, 2020–21; Visiting Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2021–22; Tutor, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 2022–present.
