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Private Scholarship Information

College can be a big expense, but there are many resources available for students if you know where to look!

Unlike some colleges, St John’s College generally does not adjust your St John’s grants or scholarships if you receive a private scholarship. There is an exception if you receive a very large grant from a private source. Some examples are full tuition through Tuition Exchange Inc, a full tuition veteran’s benefit, or a very large amount from an employer. In cases of small scholarships, St John’s first allows for any unmet need (determined by the FAFSA) to be filled. If, due to federal regulations, we must make an adjustment, we first adjust federal loans or work awards before adjusting any grants. Our goal is for your private scholarship to benefit you and not use it to reduce St John’s funds.

The following scholarship websites are a great place to start:

If have any questions about financial aid, please reach out to us—we’re here to help!

Annapolis Financial Aid: annapolis.financialaid(at)sjc.edu

Santa Fe Financial Aid: santafe.financialaid(at)sjc.edu