
Classroom Policies


Students are expected to attend all regularly-scheduled classes. Instruction by discussion requires regular attendance in a way that other teaching methods do not. There are no books one can read to take the place of a missed discussion, as there may be in the case of a missed lecture. Instruction by discussion implies a sharing by all students in the process of teaching as well as learning, and regular uninterrupted participation is essential for the good of all members of a class. When absences are unavoidable, students should notify tutors in advance. Multiple or extended absences should be discussed with the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs as well as with tutors. Such absences could make it impossible for the student to meet the requirements for completing the semester.

Formal Address

It is the policy of the college that formal address be used in all classes.

Electronics and e-Readers

According to the Dean, the following description reflects the consensus of the faculty regarding electronic devices in the classroom: “It is essential that students and tutors be actively engaged in classroom discussions. Tutors will exercise their judgment to promote engagement in the proper activity of the classroom and to minimize anything that detracts from or interferes with it, for example, leaving the classroom or using electronic devices such as cell phones. For this reason, cell phones and other communication devices must be turned off in the classroom. Tutors are concerned that electronic reading devices also may present a distraction; students who choose to use them to prepare for class should realize that their use in class may not be permitted. They should also note that translations available for these reading devices are often poor in quality. We advise students not to be guided solely by what is available electronically when choosing editions and translations of texts. The Greenfield Library has class copies of many program books. Both the Library and the Bookstore provide an opportunity to compare translations and editions. The Bookstore makes an effort to stock only editions that would be useful in class and keeps a notebook with comments on various translations by members of the community.”

Class Cancellations

St. John’s College rarely cancels classes unless there is very severe weather or another emergency. The college uses the e-2Campus notification system for class cancellations and emergency announcements. This service will send a text message or email announcement if classes are cancelled or if the college is aware of a situation that warrants emergency notification. .

Class Assignments After Cancellations

The standing policy regarding assignments for upcoming classes following cancellations is that students should be prepared to discuss BOTH the reading scheduled for the missed class AND the reading scheduled for the next class at their next class meeting. The tutor may decide at the next meeting to reschedule assignments in some way or to try to discuss both assignments together.


To facilitate easy reference in the course of class discussion, we recommend that students use editions of program books that include marginal, paragraph, or line numbers. Tutors may recommend a specific translation or translations for a class. A loose-leaf binder containing reviews by tutors of different translations and editions of some of the assigned texts is available in the bookstore and the library. Both the bookstore and the library carry all program materials.