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In Case of an Emergency
To report a crime or campus emergency in Annapolis, call ext. 2000 from a campus phone or 443-336-2348. If no answer, call 911. The Office of Public Safety is located in Pinkney Hall. Public Safety staff are on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
e2Campus Emergency Alert System
Alerts via text or email notify the community of serious crimes and other dangerous situations (or campus delays and closing due to weather) via the St. John’s mass alert system, e2Campus. These alerts may contain descriptions of emergencies along with basic instruction on what to do. .
Campus Police Authority and Jurisdiction
St. John’s College Public Safety officers are certified Campus Police officers and serve under Public Safety Article Title 3-Subtitle 3 Special Police Officers appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland. Each special police officer shall protect and preserve peace and good order and arrest individuals who trespass or commit offenses and exercise the powers of a police officer on the property (St. John’s College, Annapolis) described in the application for the commission.
Campus Crime Log
The St. John’s College Public Safety Office maintains a daily crime log that records, by the date the incident was reported, all crimes and other serious incidents that occur on campus, on or in a non-campus building or property, on public property, or within the patrol jurisdiction of Public Safety. The Crime Log is available for review in the Public Safety Office.
General Information
The St. John’s College Office of Public Safety exists to provide a safe and secure community in which the college may carry out its educational mission. Our mission is to protect the campus, serve the campus community, and preserve the good order of the college.
Public Safety is committed to reducing crime, disorder, and the fear of crime on campus. In the form of foot patrols, officers provide security 24 hours per day throughout the year. Additional patrol personnel are provided during times of increased activity on campus.
Members of the community are encouraged to immediately report concerns to Public Safety who will respond and investigate. Public Safety is able to take a report of incidents that occur on-campus and refer the matter for follow-up with the appropriate office. Additionally, if a crime occurs on campus, Public Safety will serve as the interface to local law enforcement agencies and can preserve evidence until police investigators arrive. Immediate notification may assist in the apprehension of a suspect and can assist in warning others in the community.