
Annapolis Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is located in Mellon Hall. Contact the office at 410-626-2509 or annapolis.registrar(at)sjc.edu.


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Transcript Requests

Official Transcripts

As of April 2019, the Office of the Registrar has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) for transcript services.

Official transcripts—both electronic and paper versions—can be ordered online through our transcript partner, the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

Electronic transcripts sent through NSC carry a security feature verifying that the transcript has not been altered. You may also upload attachments, including your resume or other cover pages required by the recipient.

Our office processes transcripts once per week, typically on Thursdays. All orders received by noon on Thursdays will mailed or transmitted electronically that same week; orders received after noon on Thursdays will be mailed or transmitted the following week. You will receive an email when your order is received and another when it has been fulfilled. Please check with the receiving school or company to see if they prefer paper or electronic delivery of your academic record.

Students are reminded that their accounts must be clear of all fines and fees, loans must be in current status, and the financial aid exit interview on file (if applicable) before an official transcript may be released. In addition, the college reserves the right to hold the transcripts of students who have similar outstanding obligations at other institutions that participate in federal financial aid (Title IV) programs.

If you have any questions about these new transcript ordering procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 410-626-2509 or by email at annapolis.registrar(at)sjc.edu.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts for past students may be ordered with a signed request through the Registrars office in person or by mail, fax, or email. Current students should request unofficial transcripts via the Records Request Form available in mySJC. Unofficial transcripts will be sent as a PDF email attachment. There is no charge for unofficial transcripts.

Download the Unofficial Records Request Form
Download a credit breakdown Transcript Supplement
Download a narrative Transcript Supplement

Class credit policy

St. John’s College classes are held on a semester basis, with 16 weeks in a semester. Our all-required curriculum consists of a small number of classes, four to five types (tutorial, seminar, laboratory, chorus, lecture) each semester for each class year in the four-year program. Most of the classes are seminars or tutorials and meet for either two 2-hour sessions or three 70-minute sessions per week and receive four semester credits. Classes are awarded credits within the MHEC guidelines of 750 class minutes per credit hour. Recommended out-of-class time requirements are at least two to three times the in-class time.


We welcome Johnnies who withdrew from the college to return home to St. John’s.

Learn more about the readmission process and application.

Campus Transfer

The readmission and transfer deadlines and guidelines stated above apply. Applicants for readmission and transfer who apply after the above deadlines will be considered for readmission only. A student applies to the campus last attended (the home campus) for readmission and transfer.

The readmission application is considered first and, if approved, the transfer application is considered. If both applications are approved by the home campus, they are forwarded to the other campus along with those of applicants currently enrolled for consideration by the Dean of the other campus.

The applicant is advised of the readmission and transfer decision by the home campus. Readmission and Transfer applicants for the fall term will be advised of the transfer decision before the end of March prior to the fall in which they wish to enroll. Students should seek the advice of the financial aid director on the home campus as soon as they are considering readmission and transfer.

Current students wishing to transfer to the Santa Fe campus can do so by completing the Application for Inter-Campus Transfer found on the mySJC portal. This application is due by March 1. At the time of application, a student must pay the $500 advance deposit by sending a check to the college, or by contacting the Student Accounts office. Upon confirmation of the deposit payment, the Office of the Registrar will prepare the student file for review. The application is subject to approval by the Dean and Assistant Dean on both campuses. After the application deadline, the $500 advance deposit is neither refundable nor transferable unless readmission is not approved. Once a transfer application has been approved by both campuses and a student changes their mind about transferring, a space on the home campus may not be guaranteed and availability for financial aid may be limited.

Verification of Enrollment

For current students, certifying enrollment is made simple by submitting a request via the Records Request Form available in mySJC. For alumni, please download the Unofficial Records Request Form available above and email, fax, or mail it to the Office of the Registrar. Requests for certification of enrollment or degree must come from the student.

Classroom or Conference room Reservations

If you wish to reserve a classroom in McDowell Hall, Mellon Hall, or the Barr-Buchanan Center or other locations such as the FSK Auditorium, FSK Lobby, Conversation Room, Boathouse, Private Dining Room, or Great Hall, please contact the Facility Rentals Office at 410-626-2547.

International Student Services

The Registrar is the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) and the Assistant Registrar is a Designated School Official (DSO) for students with an F-1 visa status. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of the Registrar regarding obtaining an F-1 visa, maintaining status, optional practical training, and all other matters related to international students.

Veterans Benefits

Current students who think they may be eligible for veterans benefits should contact the Office of the Registrar or Financial Aid as soon as their plans to enroll at the college are complete.

Student Right-to-Know-Act

Also known as the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, this act was passed by Congress on November 9, 1990. It requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding to make available upon request, to all students and prospective students, completion or graduation rates of certificate or degree-seeking first-time, full-time undergraduate students entering an institution.

In accordance with this act, the Office of the Registrar will provide and make readily available completion or graduation rates to current and prospective students.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was enacted by the United States Congress in 1974 setting forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. Any educational institution and educational agency that receives funds under any program administered by the US Secretary of Education must comply with FERPA. Institutions must annually notify students of their rights under FERPA.

The purpose of FERPA is to afford certain rights to students concerning their education records. These rights are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the education records;
  2. The right to seek to have the records amended; and
  3. The right to have some control over the disclosure of information from the records.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

What is an education record? An education record is any record directly related to a student(s) containing personally identifiable information (name, address, social security number etc.) and maintained by St. John’s College or by a person acting for the college.

Read the college’s policy on compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

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