Law & Government Career Pathway
The Law and Government Pathway provides a singular foundation for careers as attorneys, judges, legal scholars, politicians, human rights leaders, chief executive officers, and a variety of other leadership positions that require mastery of the law. Covering legal thought and governing theories across 3,000 years of history, from Plato to the contemporary U.S. Supreme Court, St. John’s may be the best preparation for law school and careers in government of any college in the country.
Law & Government Studies
Curricular Pathways
At St. John's, you will study over 40 texts of law and government-related texts from across 3,000 years of legal and political thought. Explore a sampling here.

Articles of Confederation

The Early History of Rome

Second Treatise of Government



Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1859–1865

The Histories of Tacitus

Plutarch's Lives: Life of Julius Caesar

Constitution of the United States of America

The Histories

Democracy in America

The Federalist Papers

Writings of Booker T. Washington

History of the Peloponnesian War

The Social Contract

The Origins of Totalitarianism

Frederick Douglass: Selected Works Collection

The Wealth of Nations


The Prince

Decline of the West

Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Choose Your Law & Government Internship
Professional Pathways
Every student at St. John’s is guaranteed a college-funded internship or research fellowship if they work with our career offices. Discover institutions at which we often place our students and where our alumni are currently employed.
Study Abroad & Gain Cross-Cultural Skills
Global Pathways
St. John’s funds and facilitates study-abroad experiences at institutions including Rome Institute for the Liberal Arts, Marchutz School of Art in France, Incheon National University in South Korea, Boya College of Sun Yat-sen University in China, Dharma Realm Buddhist University in Taiwan, and Richmond American University London in England.

Earn Career-Enhancing Credentials
Credentialing Pathways

eCornell offers Johnnie discounts and is our preferred credentialing partner.
By the Numbers

All of the Johnnies who have applied to law school since 2012 have been accepted.
Preparing for a Career in Law
Top Tier
Harvard Law, Georgetown Law, and Stanford Law recruit at St. John's.

Ranked #25 for Best Career Services by the Princeton Review

Of alumni are employed in mid-level or executive-level positions.

Of our alumni were employed within 6 months of graduation.

Of our alumni say the benefits of their St. John’s education outweigh the financial costs. Only 42% on average at peer institutions.

Of our alumni say St. John’s College prepared them well to continually learn and/or succeed in graduate school.
Leverage Our Graduate Partnerships
Graduate Pathways
Our graduate school partnerships connect Johnnies to multiple career pathways. Discover special fast-track admissions opportunities, discounted tuition, expedited degrees, and more for Johnnies only.
Meet Our Network of Alumni Mentors
Mentoring Pathways
St. John’s College alumni are employed at high levels across all career pathways. Benefit from their mentorship in your field of interest through the Odyssey Program.