
Giving Societies

St. John’s two premier giving societies celebrate the transformative power of gifts—including those offered today and those planned for tomorrow.

Freeing Minds Society

The Freeing Minds Society honors the extraordinary generosity of alumni and friends whose cumulative lifetime giving totals $100,000 or more.

St. John’s Forever: The Legacy Society of St. John’s College

“True love of wisdom is sheltered in her halls.
Seekers of virtue will answer to her call.
Books and a balance are all the tools we need.
St. John’s forever. She will make us free.”

Inspired by the many seekers of virtue who still answer her call, the college established St. John’s Forever: The Legacy Society of St. John’s College. Named after St. John’s original fight song, which was updated in 2011 to better reflect the aims of the New Program, St. John’s Forever celebrates alumni and friends who have linked their own legacies to that of the college through a future estate gift.

The most straightforward way to create such a legacy is by including a gift to the college in your will—but many other options are available. Our can help you take your next steps.

If you have included St. John’s in your estate plans, please let us know. The details will be kept confidential, and if you choose to remain anonymous, so will your name.

There are good reasons to share your plans, even if you decide to remain anonymous, and doing so does not mean your plans become irrevocable.

  • When you document your intentions, you can be confident that your gift will support what you want it to support.
  • You are giving the college a chance to ask questions about your wishes and how you would like them fulfilled. Without this opportunity, the college could potentially misinterpret your instructions.
  • We want to regularly reassure you that your legacy will be treated with care by a college that will use your gift well—and, in keeping with the lyrics to St. John’s Forever, with true love of wisdom.