Persons who have witnessed, experienced, or are aware of conduct that constitutes a violation of College policy is encouraged to talk to somebody about what happened. For any individual subject to or witness to sexual misconduct of any type, the first step is always the same: get to a safe place as soon as possible. If emergency assistance is required, call Public Safety or Local Emergency Services by dialing 911.
If you have been affected by sexual misconduct and wish to seek emergency medical treatment, the following medical centers are equipped with evidence collection kits and staff specially trained to conduct forensic examinations:
If any individual has been subject to or witnessed any type of sexual misconduct, the following options are available. Individuals may pursue some or all of these options simultaneously:
A report to a confidential resource listed below is not considered a report to the College and will not result in an investigation or any remedial or disciplinary action.
Confidential employees are encouraged to provide the following information to any person who informs the confidential employee of conduct that reasonably constitutes sexual misconduct of the following:
NOTE: While the above confidential resources may maintain an individual’s confidentiality vis -à-vis the College, they may have reporting or other obligations under state law, such as mandatory reporting to the state in the case of abuse of minors; threat of imminent harm to self or others; or the requirement to testify if subpoenaed in a criminal case. At the beginning of any conversation, individuals may want to consider asking resources to describe their level of confidentiality.
People wishing to make a report to the College are reminded that such reports are not confidential and may require the Title IX Coordinator to initiate a complaint. Reporting parties who are unsure of how they would like to proceed are encouraged to consult with a confidential employee or resource.
Members of the Title IX Team, as outlined below, have been trained to receive and respond to reports and members of the community are encouraged to seek out these resources when making reports.
Reports can also be made to the Public Safety Office on the appropriate campus at any time:
Given the size and intimate nature of the College environment, all employees of the College, including those serving as contractors in a student facing position (i.e. athletic coaches) are required to promptly report allegations of violations of this policy that they observe or learn about to a campus Title IX Coordinator. Student Employees who observe or learn about allegations of violations of this policy while performing their student employee responsibilities are also required to notify the Title IX Coordinator. Employees who knew about but did not report allegations of violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Note, however, that employees are not required to report information about violations of this policy learned through public awareness events such as “Take Back the Night” or other forums at which individuals disclose experiences with sexual violence or other violations of this policy.
Anonymous reports of violation of the Policy may be made by calling the College’s Compliance Hotline administered by Lighthouse Services at 844-490-0002 (or for services in Spanish, 800-216-1288). Reports will be forwarded to a Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator on the appropriate campus.
It should be noted that the College’s ability to investigate or act upon anonymous reports may be limited. Additionally, complainants cannot file a report anonymously.