
Buildings and Grounds

Evans Science Laboratory (ESL)

Department Mission: To provide a safe, clean, comfortable, and conducive learning environment for the students, faculty, and staff.

The members of the Buildings and Grounds Department work as a team and use sustainable practices to keep the campus in safe, working order.

Contact Us

Phillip Kaniatobe, Director
505-984-6146 | pkaniatobe(at)sjc.edu

Glen Lopez, Custodial Supervisor
505-984-6129 | glopez(at)sjc.edu

Buildings & Grounds Working Principles for Success

  • Our primary goal is to support the college in its education of people.
  • We respect and support each other every day in completing our daily tasks.
  • We will not make one another’s life and/or tasks more difficult through inappropriate actions or comments.
  • When we have challenges professionally or personally, we will seek out help and information to overcome those challenges.
  • No task is beneath us, nor is one co-worker more or less important than another, although certain tasks will have priority over others.
  • We will do our best to be team players and support each other during successes and challenges.
  • Remember we all have families and life outside work and need to understand that work is only something we do between those times. We will follow all safety procedures and look out for the safety of one another so that we may always enjoy our time with family and others.
  • We will be held accountable for our actions and words, apologize when wrong, thank when helped, and encourage each other during difficulties.