
2020 Homecoming in Santa Fe

Join us in Santa Fe September 11–13

Come back home and celebrate St. John’s College at Homecoming 2020! Check back here for more information on the various activities we have in store for you over the course of the weekend and other important details.

Santa Fe Campus St Johns College

Travel and Accommodations


We encourage you to make hotel reservations as early as possible. We have room blocks reserved at following hotels:

  • : call 866-433-0335 and identify yourself as a St. John’s College Homecoming attendee.
  • : Call 800-378-7946 and mention ground number 2376892 or .

Airport Shuttle

For airport shuttle information from the Albuquerque Sunport to Santa Fe, please visit .


Children are most welcome at homecoming! In addition to “seminars” for younger and older kids, complimentary childcare will be available on Saturday morning during seminar. A variety of kid-friendly activities will also be held throughout the day on Saturday. A list of student babysitters will be available upon request after the start of the fall semester.