See costs for the 2024–25 academic year.
Actual costs may vary from estimates. Financial aid packages vary based on your financial circumstances. For an individualized estimate, .
A student deposit is similar to a security deposit against damages and/or fines. All incoming freshmen, re-admitted students, and Santa Fe transfer students are charged a $200 student deposit. This deposit will remain intact for as long as the student is enrolled at St. John’s. It will be returned, less any outstanding balances/fines/fees, when a student leaves the college.
The Tuition Refund Plan enhances and extends the college’s current refund schedule. The insurance plan, offered through A.W.G. Dewar, covers tuition and activity fees. Undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled full time (17 and 6 credit hours respectively) to be eligible for tuition insurance. It ensures up to a 60% refund for physician documented withdrawals at any time during the semester. To facilitate enrollment in the program, students will be billed automatically for the cost of the program. No additional application is required. Fall and Spring semester students will be provided an opportunity . Summer GI students are requested to provide written authorization to opt into (purchase) the insurance program.
The health center fee allows students to access services at the Student Health & Wellness Center and helps offset the cost of providing health services to students. Students are required to provide evidence of health insurance when receiving services and all medical costs are billed through insurance. Counseling and psychiatric services are provided at no cost to students. Learn more about the services offered at the Student Health & Wellness Center.
All undergraduate students are billed a non-refundable charge of $187 in the fall semester for the manuals printed by the college for use in classes.
Please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 410-626-2502 or via email at annapolis.financialaid(at)
All students are required to review, sign, and submit the electronic Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA) for the Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 semesters. The revised FRA aligns with new laws, regulations, and internal policies and is located online on your mySJC student portal. Path to form: Select Forms (top menu), Finance Office Forms (left menu), complete the Financial Responsibility Agreement (based on age of student).
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects your educational information. Student information is considered confidential and will not be released, with certain exceptions as outlined in FERPA and college policies, without the student’s written permission. You can grant permissions only for a certain period of time or only for certain types of information (financial or academic).
FERPA permissions grant rights to your parents, guardians, or any other person(s) with whom you wish to share your SJC financial/billing information. You can grant permissions only for a certain period of time or only for certain types of information.
The form is located online on your mySJC student portal and can be updated at anytime. Select Student tab (top menu) > FERPA Permissions tab (left menu) > complete Define New Permissions link (bottom of page).
Students are required to designate an existing bank account to facilitate the release of student account refunds that may arise.
It is important that payments are received in a timely manner. Please plan ahead to meet the payment deadlines.
The Fall 2025 Fee Statements will be available on the mySJC student portal at the end of June 2025. Payment in full or enrollment in a payment plan is due by August 1, 2025. Payments cannot be made electronically until the Fee Statements are released in June.
Payments can be made via check or money order payable to St. John’s College and sent to:
St. John’s College P.O. Box 69183 Baltimore, MD 21264-9183
Please include the student’s name and ID number on the memo line of the check. Cash payments are accepted at Public Safety on the Annapolis campus.
The mailing address for Overnight Express Mail is:
Shore Bancshares, Inc C/O M&T Bank LBX 69183 1800 Washington Blvd. 8th Floor Baltimore, MD 21230
Transact’s payment portal is available on the mySJC student portal path: Annapolis Finance Info page; select the Make a Payment/Enroll in a Payment Plan link for electronic remittances via ACH, credit card, or international wire. Transact online support representatives available at 800-339-8131, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. ET. Transact customer service address: smartpaysupport(at)
Students can send an invitation for authorized payors to access their Payment Portal and set up payments or enroll in payment plans on the student’s behalf. On the payment portal select: Send a Payer Invite link. The authorized payor will not have access to the details of your Fee Statement, they will only be able to see the amount of your Balance Due. Students can forward a pdf of their fee statement from the mySJC portal.
Please note student accounts with outstanding balances are assessed late fees.
St John’s College fall tuition is due in full by August 1. Students will not receive their schedule or room key without payment in full or a valid (current) payment plan at the time of fall registration.
St John’s College spring tuition is due in full by December 1. Students who have not cleared their spring balance by December 1, either by payment in full or enrollment in a current payment plan, will not eligible to register for the spring semester.
Annapolis 1Card and Santa Fe CBORD food plans will not be activated without payment in full or a valid (current) payment plan in place on the first day of the spring semester. Refund/credit for missed meals will not be issued.
Any student account balance remaining as of the first of each month will be assessed a non-refundable late fee equal to $300 or 10 percent of the outstanding balance, whichever is less.
SJC’s late fee is in addition to any late fee assessed directly by the payment plan.
The Spring 2025 Fee Statements is available on your mySJC student portal. Please maintain a pdf for your records and forward accordingly.
To confirm that the password on a St. John’s College account is current (or to reset/change a password), go to . Log in using college username and password, which are the same ones used to access the college’s WiFi and library computers. If there are issues, click the User Registration link in the upper left and follow the onscreen instructions. For questions about mySJC student portal, please contact the ITS department a and/or 855-696-0417.
If you have successfully accessed the mySJC student portal and have questions regarding your student account, please call 410-626-2515 or email student.accounts(at)
SJC offers a 5-month payment plan, electronic enrollment is initiated each semester via the student portal.
The 5-month plan term for the Fall 2025 semester runs from July 1, 2025 to November 1, 2025. Your initial payment satisfies the July installment with subsequent payments due on the 1st of each month; you can elect at the time of enrollment to have auto payments withdrawn as opposed to initiating manual remittances each month. The enrollment fee is $60 per semester.
Enrollment process: Enrollment is not open until the release of the Fall 2025 Fee Statements at the end of June.
Log into your mySJC student portal Annapolis Finance Info page. Select the Make a Payment / Enroll in a Payment Plan button. You can enroll or forward an Invite for a third party to access this payment portal.
Enrollment is processed by semester—plans are not automatically rolled forward from one academic year to the next or from fall to spring.
Contact Mrs. Francis at student.accounts(at) or 410-626-2515 for assistance.
Transact online support representatives available at 800-339-8131, Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. ET. Transact customer service address: smartpaysupport(at)
All refunds are issued in the name of the student via their Direct Deposit designation. With the exception of refunds resulting from Parent Plus Loans, which are prepared in accordance with the Parent Plus Loan application, SJC does not issue refunds via check.
Refunds resulting from federal loans or grants are automatically refunded after the date of disbursement following federal guidelines.
Students may request refunds generated by non-Federal funds at any time during the Fall semester. Annapolis student requests should be sent to annapolis.studentaccounts(at)
Credit balances are not rolled forward from one academic year to the next. All spring semester student account credit balances are refunded automatically.
The spring 2025 waiver site period is now closed.
All students are required to have health insurance while attending St. John’s College, which has partnered with University Health Plans (UHP) and Wellfleet Student (Wellfleet) for its 2024–25 Student Health Insurance Plan.
. A link for each form can be found in the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page. You will receive email notification when your waiver has been processed (2–5 business days).
Domestic Students who have an insurance plan that meets the waiver requirements set by the college may elect to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. Students are highly encouraged to confer with their insurance provider and confirm that coverage includes providers local to the Annapolis Campus, including the on-campus Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC).
Students covered by state-sponsored plans outside of Maryland, and through Kaiser Permanente, may incur direct fees for services through the on-campus SHWC due to coverage exclusions. Students enrolling in the Student Health Insurance Plan must confirm enrollment by submitting the online enrollment form. Failure to complete the online Waiver Form by the deadline of December 18, will result in a mandatory purchase of the college’s Student Health Insurance Plan for the 2024–25 policy year, without the possibility of late waiver, refund or cancellation.
Enrollment is mandatory for all International Students. All international students are automatically enrolled in the college’s Student Health Insurance Plan and may not waive out of it. To confirm and expedite your enrollment, St. John’s College requires you to submit an enrollment form by the deadline of December 18, 2024.
If you have any questions or technical issues with the waiver site, please contact info(at)
St. John’s College automatically enrolls students in our tuition insurance program through A.W.G. Dewar, Inc. This elective insurance plan covers tuition and activity fees and ensures up to a 60 percent refund for physician documented withdrawals at any time during the spring 2025 semester. The Dewar’s brochure, fully detailing the coverage, is available on the student portal.
International Students: If the above link is not functioning, please forward an email request stating: Request for Waiver, SJC-Annapolis AY2425 with your full name and SJC ID# to TRP(at) Receipt confirmation will be sent.
All freshmen living on campus are required to be on the Food-19 meal plan. All on-campus upperclass students must be on at least the Food-14 meal plan. Questions about food plans should be directed to Frances VanNess, student services, at 410-626-2512 or frances.vanness(at)
The St. John’s College 1Card is the college’s official identification card. Issued to all members of the college community, it is required for identification and access to essential campus services. It also offers the convenient option of establishing an account for making purchases on campus.
Food Plans – Swipe the 1Card to access your food plan at the Randall Dining Hall.
Library – Check out materials at the Annapolis Greenfield Library utilizing the bar code on your 1Card and pay fines using your account.
Residence Hall and Gym Access – Use your St. John’s College 1Card to enter your residence halls and the Iglehart Hall Gym.
On-Campus Events – Present your St. John’s College 1Card to attend campus events.
Campus Cash – is a prepaid spending account offering a safe and convenient way to make purchases on campus. It is designed to eliminate the need to carry cash. You can add value via cash, check, or credit card online.
For additional information on the St. John’s College 1Card, please visit or contact 1Card customer service at 866-568-5121, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (ET).