
Intercampus Transfers

St. John’s College is a single college with two campuses. A principal feature of this structure is the opportunity students have for doing the program and experiencing life on both campuses. Any student in good academic standing may apply for transfer to the alternate campus for the upcoming academic year. Because a great imbalance in the numbers of students going each way can disrupt enrollment and staffing and housing on the campuses, the number of transfer students may be limited. Students wishing to transfer between the campuses must follow the protocol described below.

Step One

Application forms are available from the Registrar on each campus. The deadline on both campuses for submitting this form is March 1. The application form, along with the $600 advance deposit, is submitted to the campus the student is currently attending. For current Santa Fe students paying by check, bring the check to the Treasurer’s Office. For current Santa Fe students paying via credit/debit card, send an email to sfstudentaccounts(at)sjc.edu for an electronic payment invoice. The application is subject to approval by the Deans on both campuses. No late applications will be accepted.

Students receiving financial aid should at the time of application also notify the Director of Financial Aid of their intention to transfer. The directors in Santa Fe and Annapolis have agreed on a unified policy for transfer students. Only one award will be made and it will be from the campus to which the transfer is anticipated. If a student has decided not to transfer, the Director of Financial Aid on the current campus will honor the award generated by the other campus.

Step Two

The presidents and deans of the two campuses will establish the number of students who will be permitted to transfer to the other campus. They may at their discretion limit the number of students in each class who will be permitted to transfer.

Step Three

During the first week in March each applicant will be assigned a ranking number according to the following categories:

First Priority: Students who transferred from the other campus for just one year, alternating between rising seniors and rising juniors.

Second Priority: Rising seniors.

Third Priority: Students who were unable to transfer the previous year because of low priority.

Fourth Priority: All remaining applicants, alternating between rising juniors and rising sophomores.

Step Four

The $600 advance deposit is not refundable except in the case where an application is not approved. Students who change their minds about transferring after submitting the deposit must notify the registrar on their home campus. Depending on projected enrollment a transfer student wishing to remain on their home campus may need to be placed on a waiting list.

Step Five

Applications with deposits will be approved in the order of their ranking up to the limits set by the deans and presidents of the college.

Approval of a transfer application is always understood to be contingent upon successful completion of the work of the second semester. [Rising seniors transferring from Annapolis should be aware that the requirement that seniors receive no grade lower than C- is rarely waived in Santa Fe.]

Transfer between campuses is not ordinarily allowed between the fall and winter or spring and summer semesters. It is especially difficult for students receiving financial aid. Students applying for financial aid must do so within the deadlines set by the financial aid office.

A student will not be allowed to transfer if all financial obligations to the home campus have not been met.

Rising seniors transferring to the other campus are expected to participate in the commencement exercises on that campus.