
Safety Tips

General Safety Tips

Be aware of suspicious persons and questionable situations. If you see someone or something out of the ordinary, note the time and date, and then contact security immediately.

Know the locations of nearby telephones for emergency use. Some of the more accessible campus phones are located outside the south entrance to Chamisa Building, on the ground levels of the dormitories, and to the right of the main entrance to the Student Activities Center.

In the Student Residences

Be aware of who is in your residence hall. If you do not recognize someone, it is appropriate to politely ask them who their host might be. If they appear suspicious, do not hesitate to call Security immediately.

Keep your room locked. This is advisable whether or not you are in your room.

Do not prop open doors that are normally kept locked for security reasons. This one is a no-brainer.

Do not leave money or valuables in open or obvious places, such as desks, the bed, outdoor benches, or on the steps to the library. This may create a temptation and an easy target for someone you may not suspect.

Keep your room key and identification with you. Even if you must go down the hall to take a shower, keep the key close.

When Walking

Avoid walking alone at night. Use the buddy system: walk with a friend or classmate when possible.

If for ANY reason you do not feel safe, utilize the Security escort service 24 hours a day. Remember this service especially when leaving the library, classroom, or computer lab after-hours or if you have a long walk to your vehicle.

Stay in well-lit areas whenever possible. Any attempted attack or harassment should be reported at once to Security and, if time permits, to the Assistant Dean’s office.

When Driving

Look inside before entering your vehicle. Do so even if you believe that you locked your vehicle.

Travel on well-lit, busier streets whenever possible. Observe your environment and be aware if you must stop your vehicle for a traffic signal or breakdown.

Do not leave valuables in view. Lock them in the trunk. Thieves don’t typically try to steal something they don’t know is there.

Be attentive of cyclists and pedestrians; do not assume that they see you.

Personal Safety and Security

Reject peer pressure. Don’t “join in” or “go along” with people who are acting inappropriately or irresponsibly—you share in their guilt and in the possible consequences.

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

Never have sexual contact with someone without their consent or with someone who cannot communicate a clear “yes” for any reason (including because of alcohol or drug use). 

Go out with a group of friends, take care of one another, and leave together. Avoid being alone with someone you don’t know or trust. Be aware that in many cases of sexual assault drugs and/or alcohol are involved. Stay alert in all situations and if you choose to drink or use drugs, do so responsibly. Do not let strangers prepare drinks for you.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason, take action by leaving or getting help (and take action on behalf of a friend who is inebriated/incapacitated). Communicate clearly your intentions regarding sexual activity.  Be assertive in communicating “No” if you feel someone is violating your rights or attempting to engage in sexual activity without your consent. If the person continues to attempt to engage in the activity despite your verbal “No,” physically resist or yell for help (if you may do so without endangering your safety).

Remember that Security is available to help at any time for any reason.

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