
Required Deposits

Undergraduate Advance Deposit

Freshmen (Fall Freshmen and January Freshmen): A $600 deposit is required to secure a place in the entering class. Incoming fall freshmen should contact his/her admission counselor for timeline and details. The deposit is applied to the student’s account at the start of the semester.

Continuing, Readmits, and Transfer Students: A $600 deposit is required for ALL upper-class students regardless of payment plan or housing status. The deposit is due on the second Monday of April in the Student Accounts Office. The deposit is applied to the student’s account at the start of the Fall semester. *January Freshman are reminded that this Advance Deposit is due by the April deadline.

Provided that other financial obligations to the college are met, the advance deposit:

  • Secures the student’s place in his/her class whether or not the student chooses to live on or off campus;
  • Secures the privilege of being able to participate in the room selection lottery for those students who wish to live on campus. Student account balances must be paid in full to be considered for the lottery.

If the advance deposit is NOT submitted by the due date, or if there are unpaid fees for the spring semester, the student will be placed on a waiting list. St. John’s College cannot guarantee a place in a class unless the advance deposit and any previous balances are paid.

The deposit is only refundable in the following cases:

  • Withdrawal at the request of the college
  • Withdrawal, for medical reasons only, documented to the satisfaction of the college and submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the first day of class for the semester
  • Lack of available space in a class (This can apply to students placed on the wait list)
  • Deposits may not be rolled forward to future academic terms

Second-semester January Freshmen who notify the registrar by July 1 of their intention to withdraw may receive a refund of their deposit.

Graduate Advance Deposit

The $300 graduate advance deposit is required each semester for ALL students regardless of housing status or scholarship/fellowship payment program. The deposit is due in the Graduate Institute Office by February 15 for summer, June 1 for fall, and October 15 for spring. It is applied to the student account as a payment for the semester. Provided that other financial obligations to the college are met, the advance deposit primarily secures the student’s place in his/her class whether or not the student chooses to live on or off campus

If the advance deposit is NOT submitted by the due date, or if there are unpaid fees for the previous semester, the student will be placed on a waiting list. St. John’s College cannot guarantee a place in a class unless the advance deposit and any previous fees or charges are paid.

The deposit is only refundable in the following cases:

  • Withdrawal at the request of the college
  • Withdrawal, for medical reasons only, documented to the satisfaction of the college and submitted to the Graduate Institute Office prior to the first day of class for the semester.
  • Lack of available space in a class (This can apply to students placed on the wait list)

Deposits may be rolled forward to a future academic term ONE TIME only, if the student notifies the Graduate Institute office prior to the first day of class. If the student does not attend the semester the deposit was rolled forward to, for any reason, the deposit is forfeited.